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MANAGED SETTINGS configurations

Default behaviour heads-up

Out of the box, MANAGED SETTINGS comes with no restrictions set on available settings offered. Without any configuration, the application will allow access to all supported Settings activity intents.

The following configurations are available for MANAGED SETTINGS:

Network and connectivity

Settings intent Description Type Intent Default
Network & Internet Mobile, Wi-Fi, & hotspot settings combined Boolean WIRELESS_SETTINGS True
Wi-Fi Add & connect to known networks Boolean WIFI_SETTINGS True
Mobile network Configure roaming & data settings Boolean NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS True
APN Configure SIM APN settings Boolean APN_SETTINGS True
VPN Create & connect to VPN connections Boolean VPN_SETTINGS True
Bluetooth Connect to & manage peripherals Boolean BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS True


  • APN is often OEM-customised. The intent provided has been developed to attempt multiple approaches, but it may not work correctly on your managed estate.
  • Mobile network options may crash if no SIM/Profile is present. A future release will attempt to detect and appropriately disable unsupported intents.

Please test before deployment, and feed back with findings.

Device configuration

Settings intent Description Type Intent Default
Display Configure timeout, brightness, & display settings Boolean DISPLAY_SETTINGS True
Sound Configure sound settings Boolean SOUND_SETTINGS True
Language & locale Configure language & location Boolean LOCALE_SETTINGS True
Date & time Configure date & time Boolean DATE_SETTINGS True
Print Configure print services & settings Boolean ACTION_PRINT_SETTINGS True
Battery saver Enable battery saving in emergency situations Boolean BATTERY_SAVER_SETTINGS True
Battery optimisation Configure apps excluded from optimisation Boolean IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATION_SETTINGS True


Settings intent Description Type Intent Default
Security & privacy Review & configure security & privacy settings Boolean SECURITY_SETTINGS True
Unknown sources Configure sources permitted to sideload apps Boolean MANAGE_UNKNOWN_APP_SOURCES True
Developer settings Configure developer settings, including debugging Boolean APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS True
Accessibility Configure apps with accessibility permissions Boolean ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS True


Settings intent Description Type Intent Default
About device View details about this device Boolean DEVICE_INFO_SETTINGS True
Work policy information android 10 View policies enforced on this device Boolean SHOW_WORK_POLICY_INFO True



Options configured for the applications settings screen, accessible through the menu icon ( menu )

Config name Description Type Payload Default
Support message Provide a support message in app settings. Support single string or HTML input String SUPPORT_MESSAGE This message can be customised through the Support message managed configuration within EMM application policy settings. For help configuring this application, please read the documentation.
Support email address Support email address to be shown under available actions String SUPPORT_MAIL
Show feedback & Discord Show the feedback and Discord buttons under available actions. Hiding these will prevent users providing feedback to for improvements or new features Boolean FEEDBACK_ENABLED True
Formatting support messages

FYI, the support message field supports HTML! You may use the following HTML tags:

  • <P> - HTML paragraph
  • <A> - HTML link
  • <B> - HTML bold
  • <I> - HTML italic

Feel free to customise this message as desired, or simply input a string.



For licensed organisations, read up on Customising the MANAGED SETTINGS experience.

Config name Description Type Payload Default
Licensed organisation ID Input an Android Enterprise organisation ID with an active licence to enable customisation String ORGANISATION_ID null
Use BAYTON App Icon Disable this to show a generic app (home & app drawer) icon for your managed estate Boolean APPLICATION_ICON True
Custom app title Provide a custom in-app title (default: Settings) String CUSTOM_APP_TITLE Settings
Show BAYTON settings branding Disable this to remove text advertising, a BAYTON logo will still sit in the footer of the app, below available actions Boolean REMOVE_BRAND True
*Custom title icon Provide a URL to a public PNG/SVG/JPG image of the size 128x128px String CUSTOM_APP_TITLE_ICON null
**Custom theme Input the name of your provided theme String CUSTOM_APP_THEME BAYTON

*Anticipated in v.
**Expected in a future release (get in touch to demand)

Note: Theme and icon customisations require an app re-launch to apply.

Further support or feature requests

Are you in need of further help, or would you like to raise a feature request? You can:

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