
Support this site




  • Access to all settings intents
  • Set support message & contact info
  • Email support
  • Community support
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From £3,000

  • Custom branding
  • Custom app functionality
  • Flat fee per organisation ID
  • 6 months of priority support
View details

Priority support


  • A dedicated, private communication channel (Discord & voice)
  • Faster (UK hours) responses
  • Precedence on feature requests
  • Deployment and configuration assistance
  • Discounted consultancy (hours)
View details

For organisations


Customisation is available per organisation ID, and licensed accordingly:

Licence Devices Cost
Organisation ID 0 - 2,000 £500 shopping_bag Buy
2,001 - 5,000 £700 shopping_bag Buy
5,001 - ∞ £1,000 shopping_bag Buy
Priority support £1,000p.a shopping_bag Buy

For organisations, EDU, or charities with budget constraints, please get in touch.

support Priority support


MANAGED SETTINGS comes with access to email support, access to the Discord community, and documentation. If you'd like additional support, priority offers:

  • A dedicated, private communication channel (Discord & voice)
  • Faster (UK hours) responses
  • Precedence on feature requests
  • Deployment and configuration assistance

It's an annual recurring fee.

Invoicing is available if Stripe isn't your thing. If your organisation leverages multiple organisation IDs as one company, licence your primary ID. If each ID is an individual organisation please licence accordingly. I won't know either way, but the earnings go towards funding continued projects and free support in the ecosystem, so dodging fair licensing sucks for everyone.

For vendors


If you're an ecosystem partner (or organisation) wishing to licence a version that is customised out of box (no waiting for managed configs to apply), £3,000 will grant you a vendor licence to distribute across your customer base, and a flat £300 for each organisation ID associated with your custom package ID.

Licence Devices Cost
Customised app £3,000
Organisation ID £300

Of course you may choose to licence customers on the standard package as organisations above, get in touch to discuss reseller discounts.

I don't like this pricing

Hey, that's OK. The pricing reflects my local market and what I think is fair for the effort put in to building and supporting this utility, it's not intended to dissuade use.

Get in touch to discuss, and we can come to an agreement.

Further support or feature requests

Are you in need of further help, or would you like to raise a feature request? You can:

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